With the Keep Me Posted team and speakers representing the local community, the Forums are a great opportunity to have a discussion between residents, political representatives, and local representatives of charities and businesses, to explore how the issue of unfair billing practices is affecting Australian households.
After a short presentation, the panel will collect people’s testimonials and hear about how paper fees impact the local community. The Keep Me Posted team will also provide advice and assistance to the community on how to fight back against the charges.
Please join us to share your experience and hear advice from the panel!
Thanks for sharing details with anyone who isn’t online and might be interested.
Hosted by Clare O’Neil MP, Federal Member for Hotham, Steve Dimopoulos MP, State Member for Oakleigh, and Nick Staikos MP, State Member for Bentleigh.
Guest speakers include Ronda Held, CEO COTA Victoria, and Kellie Northwood, Executive Director, Keep Me Posted.
Tea and coffee provided.
Where: Duncan Mackinnon Reserve Pavillon
When: Friday 3 November – 11 am
RSVP: edward.broadbent@parliament.vic.gov.au or 9579 7222
Hosted by Andrew Leigh MP, Shadow Minister for Charities and Not-for-Profits
Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
Where: Belconnen Library – 12 Chandler Street, Belconnen
When: Friday 24 March – 10.30am
Hosted by Lisa Chesters MP, Shadow Assistant Minister for Rural and Regional Australia
Guest speakers include Anthony Pavey from the Keep Me Posted campaign, Father Bob Maguire, Colin Ormsby from Fair Go for Pensioners and Gary Handley from the Maiden Gully and California Gully LPOs. Victorian Senator Kimberley Kitching will also be in attendance.
Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
Where: Bendigo Trades Hall – 34 View Street, Bendigo
When: Thursday 23 February – 11am
RSVP: 03 5443 9055 or shaun.rosaia@aph.gov.au
Hosted by Christine Couzens MP, State Member for Geelong
Guest speakers include Kellie Northwood, from Keep Me Posted, Colin Vernon, Secretary of Geelong Trades Hall, Michael Martinez, CEO of Diversitat and Colin Ormsby from Fair Go for Pensioners.
Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
Where: Supper Room, Geelong West Town Hall, Packington Street, Geelong West
When: Wednesday 1 March – 10am
RSVP: Before 24 February 03 5221 3131